Elena Tortia |
Bozza per “to walk a mile in other man’s shoes”


Bozza per “to walk a mile in other man’s shoes”
Collage, postcard, wallpaper
Cm 25×21

Unique piece, signed and authenticated

Today everything is easy: you send a selfie, you like it, you use the self-timer. The soul is digitized, reputation is connected. What a glance we have towards the world real if not, therefore, of solitude? This reflection led me to compose a job “trying to put myself in someone else’s shoes”, detaching myself from the online and looking for a paradox that required attention in observing. The work was divided into two series: each part focuses on real paper correspondence made in the early 1900s, the first was that of a soldier, while the second of his family
and future bride. A sort of rewinded communication genealogical tree, developing stories and encounters in distant places at the time. Daily realities intertwined on basic necessities and survival. And yet everything will this be real? Looking at the images, we realize that changes have been made, new places moved and created, sometimes bizarre relationships have been built and
imaginative. How much do we like and how much are we led to sneak into other lives? Details can serve to make true what is apparently brought by

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Additional information

Weight 0.005 kg
Dimensions 25 × 21 cm